The Kandji web app has been updated, including the following improvements:
Refreshed Device Record
The individual device record page has been refreshed with an updated look and feel. Buttons to edit the assigned user, asset tag, and Blueprint have been consolidated in a new Edit device details button. The header with the device name and icon also persists as you scroll down the page so that you always know which device you’re viewing.
Today we are introducing Tags, a new way to group devices directly in Kandji. This first release includes the ability to add tags directly to individual devices from a device record. To do so, use the new Edit device details button, and select Edit tags. In the modal that appears, you can create new tags or assign existing tags once they’ve been saved for the first time.
Additional capabilities to add tags to multiple devices at once, edit the name of existing tags, delete tags, and manage tags via the enterprise API are coming soon.
See the Tags Knowledge Base article for more details.
New Assignment Rules
The following new Assignment Rule facets can be used in both Classic Blueprints and Assignment Maps.
Tags to assign Library Items to devices matching a specific set of tags, or just one tag in a list of many assigned to a device. Tag operators are case-sensitive.
User email to assign Library Items based on the email addresses of users assigned to devices.
See the Assignment Rules Knowledge Base article for more details.
Enterprise API
The most recent Recovery Password for a device can now be accessed via a new enterprise API endpoint.
Assignment Maps now support adding and removing Library Items to Assignment Nodes via the enterprise API using the Assign Library Item and Remove Library Item endpoints.
See the enterprise API documentation for more details.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Passwords can now be pasted into the Automated Device Enrollment Library Item.
- Prism now respects the Date format setting in the user's profile.
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