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November 2020
  • New

Managed Applications for macOS

While previously only available for iOS, Managed Applications are now coming to macOS with Big Sur. Kandji now supports Managed Apps for macOS from Apps and Books with Apple Business Manager (formerly VPP). This new...
November 12, 2020
  • New

Display Bootstrap Token escrow status

We’ve written a lot about the changes to Bootstrap Token and SecureToken for devices running macOS Big Sur with Apple Silicon. MDM will require Bootstrap Token in order to approve and load KEXTs and install Software...
November 12, 2020
  • New

Changes to the Kerberos Extension

Additional customization is available within the Kerberos Extension UI. This includes the ability to set a custom username label that is displayed on the “Username” field, such as “Company ID.” You can also set a custom...
November 12, 2020
  • New

Auto Advance for macOS

Auto Advance for Mac allows IT admins to set up Mac devices very quickly by leveraging Automated Device Enrollment (formerly DEP) and plugging a Mac into power and ethernet. Once the Mac starts, it will automatically...
November 12, 2020
  • New

Allow standard users to complete KEXT install

To support changes to Kernel Extensions (KEXTs) on macOS Big Sur, we support a new option on the Kernel Extension payload which allows standard users to approve a restart that rebuilds the Kernel Cache for Kernel...
November 12, 2020