
Kandji vs Jamf

Apple MDM Solutions Compared

Kandji and Jamf Software are two of the leading vendors for IT admins who need to manage fleets of Apple devices. Which one is right for you?

Although Jamf started in the Apple device management market way back in the early years of Mac OS X and managed preferences, Kandji recognized the need for a device management SaaS solution that could accommodate growing businesses and increasing regulatory demands.

In this white paper, learn how real-world users rate Kandji and Jamf Pro on G2, the popular software comparison site, for:

  • Overall customer satisfaction

  • How well the product meets their feature requirements

  • East of use, setup, and administration

  • Quality of support

  • The direction and pace of the product development

Kandji vs Jamf

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Kandji's platform amplifies all of Apple's MDM framework capabilities and multiplies the power of your IT teams. Test out the full suite of features.

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